At, we are committed to maintaining the security and integrity of our website and services. We appreciate the efforts of security researchers and ethical hackers who help us identify and address potential vulnerabilities. This Responsible Disclosure Policy outlines the process for reporting security issues and our commitment to handling such reports responsibly.

1. Scope

This policy applies to security vulnerabilities and issues related to, including its website, applications, and associated services. It does not apply to third-party sites or services linked from our site.

2. Reporting a Vulnerability

1. Reporting Process

If you discover a potential security vulnerability, please report it to us in accordance with the following guidelines:

2. Information to Include

When reporting a vulnerability, please provide:

3. What We Promise

1. Acknowledgment

We will acknowledge receipt of your report within 3 business days and provide an estimated timeline for addressing the issue.

2. Investigation

We will investigate the reported vulnerability and take appropriate actions to mitigate any risks. We aim to resolve reported issues in a timely manner.

3. Communication

We will keep you informed about the progress of our investigation and notify you when the issue has been resolved.

4. Recognition

We may, with your permission, publicly acknowledge your contribution in a manner that is appropriate and respectful. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we will respect your request.

4. Responsible Behavior

1. No Unauthorized Access

Do not access, modify, or delete any data or systems without authorization. Your testing should be limited to demonstrating the vulnerability and should not cause harm to our site or services.

2. No Disruption

Avoid conducting tests that may disrupt the availability or performance of our services. Your testing should not negatively impact our users or our site’s functionality.

5. Legal Considerations

1. Safe Harbor

We appreciate and encourage responsible reporting of security vulnerabilities. As long as you follow the guidelines outlined in this policy, we will not take legal action against you for activities conducted in the course of reporting a vulnerability.

2. Compliance

Ensure that your activities comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Engaging in activities outside the scope of this policy may result in legal consequences.

6. Policy Changes

We may update this Responsible Disclosure Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated effective date. We encourage you to review this policy periodically.

7. Contact Us

For any questions or to report a vulnerability, please contact us at:

We appreciate your commitment to improving the security of our site.